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Top Tips for a Stress Free Move

Whether you’re a seasoned mover or a first-time buyer, there are still many factors to consider when moving house, so it’s important to be organised.

By following a moving checklist, you can break the process down into manageable steps and ensure all tasks are completed efficiently, helping you beat the stress of moving house.

1. Arrange a Conveyancer

Before completing the transaction, ‌compare conveyancers to help you find the most experienced and verified professionals for the job. Your chosen solicitor can then help you through the conveyancing process and ensure the right documentation is arranged.

  • Decide on your budget
  • Research what a conveyancer does
  • Compare conveyancers
  • Supply them with all mortgage documentation
  • Review the results of all conveyancing searches
  • Await exchange and completion documents


2. Arrange a Home Survey

To ensure the new property is a worthy investment, it’s vital you arrange a home survey to assess its condition. Don’t forget to compare surveyors and research which type of home survey would be most beneficial for you.

  • Research what type of survey you need
  • Decide on your budget
  • Compare surveyors
  • Arrange a time to conduct the property survey
  • Await house survey documentation
  • Read the survey report and discuss any issues
  • Decide if you still want to purchase the property
  • If there are issues, renegotiate the offer or pull out of the sale
  • Supply all survey reports to your mortgage lender
  • Await confirmation that they are happy to lend


3. Arrange a Removal Company

With the transaction nearing completion, it’s time to compare removal companies. Calculate your potential moving costs and decide which fixtures and fittings you will take or leave behind. Your removal costs will vary depending on a variety of factors. For example, long-distance moves will likely cost more.

Consider whether you require additional services, such as packing or self-storage, to help you budget accordingly.

  • Decide what you will take with you
  • Decide on your budget
  • Compare removal companies
  • Arrange a home removal survey
  • Decide whether you require additional services
  • Confirm price
  • Choose a provisional moving date
  • Gather packing materials


4. Exchange Contracts

The exchanging of contracts is one of the last steps in the conveyancing process. Your conveyancer will take care of the legal work on your behalf and will inform you when a completion date has been agreed upon.

  • Contact your conveyancer about exchanging contracts
  • Arrange your deposit
  • Sign contract of sale
  • Arrange buildings insurance for the property
  • Agree on the completion date


5. Packing and Preparing

Now is the time to start packing and preparing your old property for the sale. Start cleaning and decluttering to reduce the volume of items that need to be moved, thus reducing your removal costs. You can either purchase packing supplies from your chosen removal company or you may find free moving boxes from local shops.

  • Declutter your home
  • Remove fittings and fixtures
  • Start packing
  • Create an inventory
  • Pack room-by-room
  • Label moving boxes
  • Confirm the date for collecting the keys
  • Confirm details with your removal company
  • Cancel local services and subscriptions


6. View Storage Options

If you’re still struggling to pack at this stage, ‌consider comparing storage providers to lessen the load before you move. This will ensure you have enough space whilst also protecting your belongings.

  • Research storage costs
  • Decide which type of self-storage you need
  • Compare storage providers
  • Decide which items will go into storage
  • Pack chosen items
  • Separate the storage boxes from your moving boxes


7. Confirm Completion Date

Confirm all the vital details that will finalise the transaction with your conveyancer and estate agent. Whilst the completion date is not always the same as your moving day, they can occur simultaneously, so it’s important you’re organised before this stage.

  • Redirect your post
  • Send final legal documents
  • Confirm finances
  • Confirm the completion date with your solicitor
  • Transfer your deposit
  • Arrange payment of legal fees


8. Final Preparations

Your moving date should be just around the corner. It’s time to complete your to-do list and finish the last tasks for the packing process. Gather all essential items and create a handy moving day bag to ensure nothing is missing when you arrive at the new home.

  • Finish packing and dismantling furniture
  • Perform a final deep clean
  • Pay final bills
  • Check the council tax band
  • Pack an essentials box
  • Arrange care for children or pets
  • Order a food shop online for the new home
  • Do a final check around the house


9. Moving Day

Congratulations, it’s your moving day! It’s time to direct your chosen movers and start loading the removal van. Ask your estate agent for updates regarding the keys and keep important contact details close at hand in case there are unexpected delays.

  • Greet the movers
  • Submit final meter readings
  • Leave a note for the new homeowners
  • Collect your keys
  • Instruct the movers
  • Inspect the new property
  • Perform a final inventory check
  • Wipe down furniture as you unpack
  • Turn on utilities and central heating at the new home


10. Update Your Address

Whilst unpacking and settling into the new property, you can introduce yourself to your new neighbours and explore the local area. You will also need to contact relevant companies, subscription services and facilities to inform them of your change of address. Don’t forget to contact:

  • Friends and family
  • Place of work or education
  • Health services
  • Utility providers (water, gas, electricity)
  • Financial services (e.g. your bank, pension services, credit card companies etc)
  • Insurance companies (e.g. life insurance, car insurance, pet insurance etc)
  • Government bodies (e.g. the electoral roll, local authority etc)
  • Subscription services (e.g. Netflix, local gym etc)

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